Thursday, June 20, 2013

Thyroid Problems in Cats

Hyperthyroidism in cats is a condition by which the thyroid gland fails to work normally, either as a result of older age or perhaps a benign tumor in a single or both lobes.

Hyperthyroidism isn't life threatening, overtime it may decrease the quality of life to your feline through its associated problems of weight loss, organ deterioration, hair loss, aggressive in addition to extreme overexcited behavior.

The cat thyroid gland is attached to the lower section around the Trachea consisting of 2 lobes. And it's most important function is releasing and regulating thyroid hormone.

At what time the gland is generating an excessive amount of thyroid hormone, this is known as hyperthyroidism and is the most typical endocrine illness affecting felines. Generating a thyroid hormone known as thyroxine (T4) in addition to a small amount of triiodothyronine (T3) these hormones stimulate every system in the body.

The Thyroid has a number of services and is especially significant in retaining your pet’s metabolic rate. The pituitary gland creates thyroid hormones (T3 as well as T4) and tells the thyroid gland to make and release the hormones thyroxine (T4) and triiodothyronine (T3).

Feline Hyperthyroidism is usually hard to identify for the reason that quite often there may be an underlying disorder present such as kidney failure, Liver or Heart condition.

A blood test is really the only way to identify hyperthyroidism where the T4 ranges shall be elevated.

This metabolic function has a bearing on all of body cells for example digestion, body weight, heart tempo, as well as reproductive functioning.

Hyperthyroidism in Cats Treatment

In the event that your feline is have problems with the condition, the anti-thyroid tablet Methimazole (Tapazole) could be given daily, however must be given for his entire life. 

Your cat may possibly include negative effects including vomiting, diminish of appetite, along with depressive disorders.

Additionally Methimazole is also established to reduce low blood cell counts, which can be serious especially for elderly felines.

An additional option could be to have the enlarged thyroid gland surgically removed. This is a last option, because often with hyperthyroidism in cats they've got thyroid cells in the chest cavity where removal is difficult. Those animals will remain hyperthyroid even after surgery.

Iodine treatment has the advantage over medication in that it is curative and does not require anesthesia, an advantage with older cats. And has no serious side effects.

Tests are needed to evaluate the overall health of the cat to predict complications with the chosen treatment. Your vet will perform a blood-chemistry panel as well as a thyroid-hormone level.

Radioactive iodine therapy is a very effective way to treat cats with hyperthyroidism. Without any adverse side effects Radioiodine treatment (I-131) has a cure rate of 95%.

Once it’s injected into the blood stream the iodine targets the thyroid gland destroying the abnormal thyroid tissue, but does not damage the parathyroid glands or harm other body tissues. In most cases the majority of cats treated have normal hormone levels within one to two weeks of treatment.

Treated animals have to remain hospitalized until the radiation level has fallen within acceptable limits, usually a couple of days to two weeks. Although radioactivity carries no significant risk to the cat, protective measures are required for people who handle the procedure and come into close contact with the treated animal.

The cat owner has a few choices when treating hyperthyroidism, however traditional treatments like surgical options, radioactive treatments can have negative effects especially for the older felines that are usually associated with this disease.

But there is another option for owners. Homeopathic remedies can be a safe and effective alternative, which are aimed at soothing the thyroid gland and naturally reducing the amount of thyroid hormone being produced.

Natural thyroid treatment for cats is a complex of therapy where the main focus is on the animal’s attempts to respond to the illness and self heal their own body. Specially prepared extremely diluted doses of substances (called “remedies”) are capable of producing similar symptoms in healthy animals.

Felines with hyperthyroid condition often have some kidney illness, especially if their older. Cats with kidney diseases will in fact show signs of deterioration after management of hyperthyroidism, because often the quicker metabolism associated with hyperthyroid, pumps extra blood in the kidneys.

It is important for your feline to have frequent exercise along with a healthy diet program for maintaining optimum cat health.

Wednesday, June 19, 2013

Unusual Cat Breeds

bengal cat
Thinking about getting a new cat soon? Great! You may want to consider a purebred cat. There are many exotic breeds that can be found in this country, even in animal shelters, each with its own characteristic appearance and temperament and history.

Think carefully about what you would characteristics you would like to see in your new companion. Perhaps you would care to consider something a little bit different:

The Bengal

Bengals are a hybrid breed of domestic cat. Bengals result from crossing a domestic feline with an Asian leopard cat (ALC), Prionailurus bengalensis bengalensis.

The Bengal cat has a desirable "wild" appearance with large spots, rosettes, and a light/white belly, and a body structure reminiscent of the ALC. The Bengal possesses a gentle domestic cat temperament, if separated by at least four generations from the original crossing between a domestic feline and an ALC.

The name "Bengal cat" was derived from the taxonomic name of the Asian leopard cat (P. b. bengalensis), and not from the more distantly related Bengal tiger.

The Munchkin

When you think of the Munchkin, think of a cat that is built like a dachshund. A cat built with a long body and short legs. Munchkins are a very recently developed breed. They have only been established since 1983.

The foundation cat was a female named Blackberry who was rescued from dogs by school teacher Sandra Hochenedel. Blackberry was a black cat with very short legs. Found pregnant, she passed on her unusual body type to her kittens. Blackberry's son, Toulouse, was left unaltered and it wasn't long before there were a good number of short legged cats living around his owner's home. Strangely enough, Toulouse and his short legged sons had no trouble competing with standard toms for females.

In 1990 a study of the genetics of these short legged cats was conducted. The study found that only one copy of the short legged gene to create more cats with the same characteristic. The spines of these cats were also examined because there were fears that they would have issues just like the low long bodies dog (e.g. dachshund) have. Though nothing wrong was found at that time, judgment was reserved due to the extremely small population that existed at that time.

Munchkins were named for the little people in Wizard of Oz that Dorothy met when she first arrived in Oz. Breeders became interested in the quirky little Munchkin and began controlled breeding programs. The Munchkin was first introduced to the public at the Madison Square Garden Cat Show. The breed has faced some opposition.

There are people who believe that deliberately breeding for a mutation, even one that occurred naturally, is ethically wrong. The cats themselves seem unaware that they are in any way different from their long legged cousins. They self-assured, outgoing and curious in nature. Munchkins tend to be people-oriented and bond easily with their people. Munchkins leap and play just like other cats. The only difference is they can't jump as high due to their short back legs.

 The Sphynx

If you ever wondered what a cat would look like naked, look no further. The Sphynx is virtually hairless. Sebaceous oils secreted by the skin are normally transferred to the fur in other breeds. The Sphynx requires regular wiping down to remove these oils to prevent skin infections.
This breed originated in 1975 as spontaneous mutation in a shorthaired litter. One hairless kitten was born in that litter. She was named Epidermis. The following year a hairless male was born. He was called Dermis. When bred to normal shorthaired cats, Epidermis produced normal kittens. When Epidermis was bred to one of her sons, three hairless kittens resulted. The hairless gene was a recessive. Both parents must carry it in order for hairlessness to be expressed.
The breed was named after the great Sphynx monument of Egypt. The Sphynx cats are devoted, loyal companions, who love attention and will purr happily if their favorite person is near them. They are very athletic and like to jump to high places or hang upside down from their climbing trees. Sphynx have strong personalities and don't like being left alone. A feline companion will help to keep a Sphynx happy and
occupied while you are gone.
These very unusual cats are not everyone's' cup of tea. Give these very different cats a closer look. Their unique appearances and lively personalities might just make a great pet.  These cats may be exactly what you are looking for in a new companion.

Friday, May 24, 2013

Chronic Renal Failure in Cats

Most commonly known as chronic kidney failure, this disease is a very serious health matter. If this  situation is absolutely not treated on time it can lead to major issues and also death.

General factors that play a part towards feline kidney failure and deterioration of health consists of age, genetics, disease, and environment.

Particularly for adult felines starting approximately age eight, renal diseases can happen quite suddenly, at times in a week or perhaps a month and with other cats over a extended period, even years.

Causes of kidney failure include blockages that restrict a capable flow of blood for the kidney, otherwise stones and inflammations blocking the flow of urine through the kidney into the bladder. Commonly kidney failure within cats happens when your cat ingests a toxic substance like antifreeze, pesticides, or household cleaning products.

Attention towards this cat health problem in the last couple of years continues to be researched more than ever before.

Focusing on various aspects that bring about such critical pet health concerns like hypertension, low potassium ranges, dental diseases as well as acidified diets, study has confirmed that various breeds of cats have higher rates of Kidney malfunction as when compared with others.

Research has shown cat breeds prone to kidney failure include the maine coon, abyssinian, burmese, siamese, russian blue, and the balinese, and naturally happens more within elder cats.

Felines managing continual kidney failure have a far better chance than their predecessors, due to better nutritional advancements brought about in cat food and with the improvements in cat medical science, but take into account, deterioration of kidney function is usually a slow but normal element of the aging process.

Kidney Failure Signs

Signs of feline kidney failure are lack of appetite, vomiting, depression, diarrhoea and dehydration, and usually by the time your cat starts showing medical signs, they may have only 25% of kidney function remaining. 

With a great deal of variation between individual cats, plus the quantity of kidney deterioration,  it's impossible to provide a correct prediction or life expectation.

This disease is really a progressive long-term closing down of the kidneys. 

Although acute kidney failure appearing in cats is more abrupt, chronic kidney failure is observed more in older cats and may be attributed to inadequate diet or even a lifetime diet of only dry food, that  lacks sufficient moisture to maintain the feline appropriately hydrated. There isn't a cure for chronic kidney failure appearing in cats, but certain acute kidney failure cases may be cured, and full function of the kidneys can be restored.

Combinations of exams can make a correct analysis for renal failure including blood work, urine testing, urine culture, and ultrasound. Once the disease is diagnosed, low protein along with low phosphorus diets are fed to ease workload for the kidneys and to slow down kidney decline in addition to metabolic complications.

With elevations of blood phosphorus occurring, many vets will prescribe a phosphate binder given at meal times.

Probiotics has been getting some excellent scientific responses with feline kidney failure which seems to take out the poisons of kidney failure right out within the blood into the digestive tract.

Many cat owners are searching for Holistic cures for his or her cat companions. Kidney disease, specifically acute and chronic kidney failure, is regrettably quite ordinary in elder cats, and many have benefited from natural treatments.

A lot of pet owners worship their cats as if they were children and will do just about anything to save them from disease or health issues, including Myself!

If your cat is very old and has been identified with kidney failure in cats?  The most effective plan of action is to ensure that the cat’s remaining years are as pleasant as possible. Nourish your cat a specially formulated food with extra potassium and plenty of fresh water should be available.