Thursday, June 20, 2013

Thyroid Problems in Cats

Hyperthyroidism in cats is a condition by which the thyroid gland fails to work normally, either as a result of older age or perhaps a benign tumor in a single or both lobes.

Hyperthyroidism isn't life threatening, overtime it may decrease the quality of life to your feline through its associated problems of weight loss, organ deterioration, hair loss, aggressive in addition to extreme overexcited behavior.

The cat thyroid gland is attached to the lower section around the Trachea consisting of 2 lobes. And it's most important function is releasing and regulating thyroid hormone.

At what time the gland is generating an excessive amount of thyroid hormone, this is known as hyperthyroidism and is the most typical endocrine illness affecting felines. Generating a thyroid hormone known as thyroxine (T4) in addition to a small amount of triiodothyronine (T3) these hormones stimulate every system in the body.

The Thyroid has a number of services and is especially significant in retaining your pet’s metabolic rate. The pituitary gland creates thyroid hormones (T3 as well as T4) and tells the thyroid gland to make and release the hormones thyroxine (T4) and triiodothyronine (T3).

Feline Hyperthyroidism is usually hard to identify for the reason that quite often there may be an underlying disorder present such as kidney failure, Liver or Heart condition.

A blood test is really the only way to identify hyperthyroidism where the T4 ranges shall be elevated.

This metabolic function has a bearing on all of body cells for example digestion, body weight, heart tempo, as well as reproductive functioning.

Hyperthyroidism in Cats Treatment

In the event that your feline is have problems with the condition, the anti-thyroid tablet Methimazole (Tapazole) could be given daily, however must be given for his entire life. 

Your cat may possibly include negative effects including vomiting, diminish of appetite, along with depressive disorders.

Additionally Methimazole is also established to reduce low blood cell counts, which can be serious especially for elderly felines.

An additional option could be to have the enlarged thyroid gland surgically removed. This is a last option, because often with hyperthyroidism in cats they've got thyroid cells in the chest cavity where removal is difficult. Those animals will remain hyperthyroid even after surgery.

Iodine treatment has the advantage over medication in that it is curative and does not require anesthesia, an advantage with older cats. And has no serious side effects.

Tests are needed to evaluate the overall health of the cat to predict complications with the chosen treatment. Your vet will perform a blood-chemistry panel as well as a thyroid-hormone level.

Radioactive iodine therapy is a very effective way to treat cats with hyperthyroidism. Without any adverse side effects Radioiodine treatment (I-131) has a cure rate of 95%.

Once it’s injected into the blood stream the iodine targets the thyroid gland destroying the abnormal thyroid tissue, but does not damage the parathyroid glands or harm other body tissues. In most cases the majority of cats treated have normal hormone levels within one to two weeks of treatment.

Treated animals have to remain hospitalized until the radiation level has fallen within acceptable limits, usually a couple of days to two weeks. Although radioactivity carries no significant risk to the cat, protective measures are required for people who handle the procedure and come into close contact with the treated animal.

The cat owner has a few choices when treating hyperthyroidism, however traditional treatments like surgical options, radioactive treatments can have negative effects especially for the older felines that are usually associated with this disease.

But there is another option for owners. Homeopathic remedies can be a safe and effective alternative, which are aimed at soothing the thyroid gland and naturally reducing the amount of thyroid hormone being produced.

Natural thyroid treatment for cats is a complex of therapy where the main focus is on the animal’s attempts to respond to the illness and self heal their own body. Specially prepared extremely diluted doses of substances (called “remedies”) are capable of producing similar symptoms in healthy animals.

Felines with hyperthyroid condition often have some kidney illness, especially if their older. Cats with kidney diseases will in fact show signs of deterioration after management of hyperthyroidism, because often the quicker metabolism associated with hyperthyroid, pumps extra blood in the kidneys.

It is important for your feline to have frequent exercise along with a healthy diet program for maintaining optimum cat health.

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